🖌📓 Day 5: ♋️ Cancer New Moon Writing Challenge: “5 W’s + H of Builing /A New Vision For Yourself”

11 months ago

✨ Trust Your Glitter Podcast: ONGOING PROJECT: "HER STORY SHARES" - (ONGOING PROJECT): FOR "HER-STORY" Submissions: Women Sharing Stories, Those Who Identify and Allies Sharing Consenting Stories (For Those Stories of Loved Ones Deceased, They'll Let You Know) xoxo ✨ Please send to Kristinabelich@gmail.com - 10-15 Minute Audio File (MP3 Preferred) OR -5 Minute or Less MP4 Video File I will share throughout this Series on the TYG Podcast

✨Day 5✨
🖌📓 Day FIVE: (7/15/2023) : ♋️ Cancer New Moon Writing Challenge: “5 W’s + H of Builing // Re-building A New Vision For Yourself”

Deep breath, pen to paper, napkin, old Amazon box, piece of construction paper … phone notes , email whatever works for you…. ask yourself, in relation to Building/Rebuilding a New Vision For Yourself:

❓ WHY? : “AM I DOING THIS?” [seriously why are you?]
✨ Sit with this question, really think through the last 4 days of writing. Is there a theme, pattern, a suprise you didn’t realize about yourself?

✨ Allow the process to unfold today is going to be heading into some DEEP emotions processing with the lunar transits, read astrology/horoscope below:

Today is Saturday aka. (Saturn’s Day) who is the planet/Lord of Karma.

With Saturn in Retrograde, be open to your “WHY” shifting and changing with the tides over the course of the year ahead, and CLEARING His Shadow Zone fully on February 7, 2024. Saturn stationed retrograde on June 17, 2023 at 7 degrees of ♓️ Pisces and will go direct on November 4, 2023 at 0 degrees of ♓️ Pisces.

On Saturday, we actually are meant to review the longterm cycles in our lives. Therefore, looking at the trajectory of Saturn in our lives based on our personal and current “WHY” is really important for a LONGER TERM cycle. The New Moon ahead is helping us create this energy, and shift us towards our personal beautiful abundance! We are meant to be happy, thriving, and creatively fulfilled!


The Moon in her Balsamic Phase (45 Degrees away from the upcoming ♋️ Cancer New Moon) will transit between the airy sign of ♊️ Gemini and enter the Void Course Phase from 8:35 AM EST until 1:13PM EST [this is why I am releasing as much content prior to 8:35 AM EST]

VOID MOON MAGIC: I am still learning this part, because I am an ♈️ Aries healing my LUNAR energy; however, this is a time where you are supposed to chill the ef out! Which being on Saturn’s Day is super counterintuitive! It’s a day to give yourself A HUGE BREAK! This is a timeframe to prioritize self-care. The World does not currently do that as a whole, and if you’re reading this and you have a jam-packed day of taking care of all of the things and more, try and give yourself some time to just breath, get an amazing cup of tea/coffee/bubbly whatever, and allow the energy to flow like the ocean tides around you! [Moon Cycles Baby! They’re The BEST!"]

As the Moon enters Cancer in the afternoon, deepening into this Balsamic Phase journey, and in the sign that the New Moon is taking Place, IT IS ABOUT prioritizing the nurturing process. This can be spending time with family, chosen family in a quiet space, spending time with yourself, writing/journaling out your feelings and emotions. Cancer ♋️ LOVES amazing food and home-related activities!


Venus at 27 degrees ♌️ Leo is quincunx Neptune at 27 degrees ♓️ Pisces which can add some tension around desires. Lean into your physical space. Action is actually the source of tension. This can be through expression or feeling the urge to suddenly express yourself. If you’re not sure what to say right now, it’s totally ok! Put the phone down, and let it go. The fight is actually internal. The external heals through the internal processing. It’s amazing what self-care can do.

#astrology #writing #podcasts #horoscopes #writingchallenge #journaling #newmoon #cancerseason #sunsigns #trustyourglitter #kristybelich #comedian #womeninbusiness #womenincomedy #womenentreprenuers #business #currentevents #mentalhealth #wellness #healing #vibes

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