Why Anthony Kiedis SIngs Jibberish Around The World Red Hot Chili Peppers

1 year ago

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Why Anthony Kiedis SIngs Jibberish Around The World Red Hot Chili Peppers

When bands work on a new song, sometimes the music is written first and lyrics are written later on while the band use improvised jibberish as a placeholder until lyrics are written. However, sometimes these placeholder lyrics find their way in to the final version of a song for various reasons. Sometimes the reason is because the band just can't think of lyrics. Sometimes the reason is that the band is already behind schedule and the song sounds good enough. But this wasn't the case when Anthony Kiedis was writing lyrics for Around The World.

So why did the Red Hot Chili Peppers singer decide to leave placeholder lyrics in the final version of the song? Well, he did it for his daughter who had listened to her father throughout the recording process and became upset when the jibberish lyrics were removed later on in the development process. So Anthony obliged and include a portion of the original "lyrics" near the end of the song to make his daughter happy.

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