Unapologetic Boy Makes A Mess With Baby Powder

8 years ago

Messy children are all over, they are! We as a whole realize that children and wrecks come hand in hand. Before you bring a little kiddo into your family, you should need to catch up on your cleaning abilities. We are talking laundry skills, vacuuming abilities, moping skills, and even your scratching skills (for that strange stuff stuck all around the house)!

The truth is that no matter how sweet and cute are kids, they are messy! Everywhere they go they will find a way to make a mess. The good news is that you will always know where they are because there will be a trail that leads you right to them!

The bad news is that you will have to clean up after them. They can be so tough to clean up after, sometimes you will be mad at them, and sometimes you will accept the fact that your kid is messy and you will enjoy the moment with your kid.

This parent accepted the fact that his kid is messy so decided to make a funny video out of it and enjoy and laugh about it! Let's be honest, if there is something dirty in your home, your kids will find it, they will play with it, and they will make a mess.

This toddler has some real nerve because when he gets caught making a mess out of a bottle of baby powder, he doesn't cry or apologize like most guilty kids that are caught red-handed. Slightly, he turns to his mother and calmly requests that she go away. What a little rebel!

Every family has one member that is messy, and we think that we found this family's dirty member! But, if you have a messy kid, don't worry, you are not alone! With some help and some tricks, you can help your kid to learn how to be neat and to clean his room. One of the most critical chores you can give to your kid and also a great start for them is to make them always clean their room. When they start with their place, and they see how sweet is all the time we think that they will begin to think differently about cleaning, no matter what age is your kid.

But, cleaning doesn't always have to boring and to be seen like a chore, by some fun and games you can make cleaning more comfortable for your kids, for you as a parent, and you can both have fun and the house would be clean. It's a win-win situation.

You can start by a simple hide-and-seek game. Hide a couple of dollars or treats that they love around the house and tell them the more they clean up, the more you will give them hints about where are the prizes hidden. Or, you can make a friendly completion, we all know that kids love competitions and they love winning.

Give each one an empty basket, set a timer for a minute, and see who can collect the most toys. Do you think that these kinds of games will help your kid to clean?

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