We Bought A Surface Go 3 From Best Buy for UNDER $130

11 months ago

We are always on the lookout for good deals, things that not only save us money but can also save us time and make us more productive. I often edit videos when I am on my lunch hour at work, including YouTube Shorts. So being able to be more productive and not have to lug along a huge laptop is always a benefit. I've been eyeballing the Microsoft Surface tablet line of machines for quite some time, and just never pulled the trigger. And then one afternoon I saw a deal that I just could not pass up. Even if I didn't love it, it would get me in the door of their ecosystem to test out the machine.

Our local Best Buy has been a good source for me over the years to check out and pick up open-box items. I bought TVs, laptops, and lots of equipment that's been open-boxed. Well, when I was searching through their open box listings for surface tablets I noticed they had an open box Surface Go 3 for only $127.

Looking at the description, they labeled it as having some cosmetic defects. That type of thing does not bother me as through normal daily use and wear and tear things are going to get dinged, scratched, and marked up. But I also know that it comes with a full warranty on it, and sometimes they'll even knock a little bit extra off. I went and added it to my cart, and then proceeded to find an open box keyboard cover, normally a $100 option for only $50. So in the end, a $399 Surface Tablet Go 3 and a $99 Surface keyboard cover was mine for under $190.

So far I am really liking the experience of it. Is it as fast as my regular laptop? No, but at the same time, I can also do things with this that I can't or don't want to do with my laptop. I can sit in bed and slice files for 3D printing and send it to my Bambu Labs P1P. I can do light video editing on it. I edited this short in my hotel room while at the Southeast Gaming Exchange in 2023. I was able to pair my trackball mouse with it. I'm really liking the experience so far.

Would I like something a little bit faster? Absolutely. I also picked up a 256 GB micro SD card as the onboard 64 gigs of storage is ridiculous. But overall, for a minor investment, I'm loving this thing. I've already told my wife that I may look at giving her this one and I may pick up a more powerful one down the road. So in the end, this is how We Just Scored A Surface Tablet for UNDER $130

#SurfaceGo3 #BestBuy #OpenBoxDeals

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