Top Authors - Vol 2

1 year ago

In the 3 video series, this TOP AUTHORS 2 video, focuses on featuring highly recommended 21 authors of books ranging from topics of pyramids, occult, extraterrestrials, incarnation, shamanism, mental health, freedom, patriotism, holistic diet and detox, secret government agendas and secret societies.

#book #books #spirituality #channeling #book #bookreview #booktube

1. Mary Rodwell
2. SunBow TrueBrother
3. William Litz
4. Daniel Estulin
5. Mark Fulmer
6. Tracy Slepcevic
7. Dr Joseph Mercola
8. Jordan Maxwell
9. Dr Joe Dispenza
10. John Michael Greer
11. Graham Hancock
12. Werner Kuhni
13. Bill Hughes
14. Kewaunee Lapseritis
15. Alfredo "Dr SEBI" Bowman
16. Penney Peirce
17. David Goggins
18. Tamara Lich
19. Dr Leonard G Horowitz
20. Dr Peter McCullough
21. E.G. White


Anthony is an ExtraDimentional trance channeler of THETA TAURI Reptilian race and KALASK Alpha Draconis race in Toronto, Canada.

Anthony offers 1-on-1 classes, seminars, workshops, retreats and How-To-Channel training courses.

Twitter: @KalaskOfficial
Instagram: Kalask Channeling
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Facebook: Kalask Channeling

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