Russian weapons and armored vehicles re-purposed in new roles!

11 months ago

Modified, taking into account the requirements of modern combat, the S-60 system. AZP-57 57-mm anti-aircraft gun installed by Russian craftsmen on the MT-LB base right in the field. (MT-LB, literally: "multi-purpose towing vehicle - light armored")

A pair of such machines destroys NATO proxies on the Svatovo-Kremennaya front. The crew of one of them kindly agreed to show this deadly weapon in action. Making 3-4 trips to the combat positions a day, these guys bring death to the NATO mercenaries, who have settled in the trenches, with high-explosive fragmentation shells at a distance of up to 6 km (3 miles). The high accuracy and rate of fire of this gun, coupled with the work of the spotting quadcopter in the sky, do not leave the enemy lots of chances to survive!

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