Article Video - For Rudy, Sidney, and Lin - Thursday, July 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - For Rudy, Sidney, and Lin - Thursday, July 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Trump's Dream Team, those rare things known as Honest Lawyers, are just beginning to understand what life has been like for the rest of us for sixteen decades.

As Russell Means said, "Welcome to the Reservation!"

They are experiencing the Evil Side of the Bar Association.

Like General Flynn, they are noticing that there are double standards and multiple forms of law, and things they just plain never teach you in Law School.

A long time ago they taught this stuff at Harvard and Yale, Princeton and William and Mary..... but not anymore. Not since the 1960's.

Sadly, none of them are listening to me. They are too busy being anxious and disoriented and trying to make sense of things using all their familiar tools and knowledge, but their familiar tools and knowledge won't work in the foreign environment they are facing now.

If they don't listen to me or someone like me, the former Bar Attorneys loyal to Trump will be helpless, driven out of the ranks, punished, ostracized, and left hanging out to dry, unable to practice their profession, facing the worst thing that can happen to a Bar Attorney--- ironically enough: Dishonor.

Dishonor and disbarment in the weird world of the Bar Association can mean that you were an incompetent skunk, but also too often means that you were an honorable man or woman who stopped betraying the best interests of their paying, trusting customers and couldn't stomach selling the Innocents out to the King's purported interest any more.

Trump will be forced to rely on other Bar Attorneys who, as we all know, are loyal to the Court, not their Customers. They will sell him out and "administer his estate" and he'll never reach the ballot box in 2024.

Short of a miracle.

They will drain his resources and terrify him and his family and beat him down in the terrible slow grinding process of endless summons and warrants and hearings and pre-hearings and arraignments and discovery and on and on and on and bloody on.... until everyone is exhausted, outraged, but helpless.

These men and women, Esquires of the King, will do this to Trump and the few Honest Lawyers who rallied to his side, using public money to do it, whereas his defense will have to be funded privately. They'll operate like a pack of Fox Hounds, baying to the chase, buttering up their cronies in the fake journalism industry.

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