Article Video - Photonic Biology -- Things You Need to Know By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Photonic Biology -- Things You Need to Know - Thursday, July 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

I was recently shocked when a young friend, the daughter of the daughter of....well, at my age, grandkids are graduating from college. Okay? You have the picture --- a very bright, very pretty, very serious young woman, a Freshman in college, with a biology textbook and a conjunction with a potty break among the Elders coffee klatschen in the kitchen, led to me leafing through her biology textbook.

Imagine my amazement, when the book appeared to be at least thirty years old in terms of the information offered?

It was a brand new book, the publication date was 2022, but....

Now, granted the canons of science change slowly and the process of winnowing and sorting and adding new information is meant to be subjected to significant conservative guffawing and skepticism and mistrust --- however, in an age of computers and DARPA and National Laboratories here and similar facilities in all the other countries, things move along much faster than they used to.

At least, in the real world, they do.

Yet, this textbook was citing material that our eldest son studied -- in the exact same format, exact same words --- thirty years ago. He's getting ready to retire and I had the odd deja vu of seeing the same photo of the same bee poised over the same flower and the same verbiage. It was like a time warp.

I half-expected to see Clint bounding through the door with a large, scarred, (even ugly, but loved) mixed breed dog named Sampson at his heels. I continued to read.

This is not funny, folks. It was the same first year Biology 101 text. It had been rearranged in sequence, and certain aspects of the typography had been improved --- things of an inconsequential nature -- but otherwise, it was the same book. Same information as 30 years ago, and it didn't even include the major breakthroughs of that time period.

Boy, Howdy, how are Americans supposed to keep up with anything at that rate? Learn to read Russian? Chinese?

Most Americans may not know it, and after seeing that textbook, still in use, unedited, I expect that 90% of all Americans don't know--- but the world of Biology changed drastically just after that new-old textbook was published three decades ago.

Strap on your seatbelts.

We all entered the age of photonic biology and frequency medicine, whether we knew it or not, three decades ago --- and the revolution started in Russia.

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