Article Video - The Public Oaths of Office Fraud and Licensing of Privateers Fraud By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - The Public Oaths of Office Fraud and Licensing of Privateers Fraud - Wednesday, July 5, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

It is known and has been known and objected to for a period of twenty years that the officers of these private foreign incorporated Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia, and their franchise officers operating Territorial and Municipal state-of-state organizations, have made a mockery of the requirement that they provide their Public Oath in writing and record it in a place convenient for the cognizance of the Public, and by this failure have in fact not entered into any Public Office.

They have stubbornly and without remorse sought to avoid their personal and commercial liability by seeming to provide a Public Oath of Office, but not actually doing so.

Various means have been used in this evasion.

In most cases we have examined, the Perpetrators have stood up in private venues and raised their hands and spoken words indicating that they accept the duties of the Public Office in question, but have not subsequently provided the required written affirmation and have not published the same in any public record convenient to the Public.

As a result when we go looking for the Oath of Public Office binding these charlatans to the duties of said Office, we find nothing of substance at all.
Absent the duties there cannot be the rights, so we conclude that these elected officials failed to accept their election.

Everything that they have done, said, mandated, signed, sealed or otherwise caused to exist and to appear to provide the justification for statutes, charges, and regulations applied to and enforced against the Public, are null and void.

Absent the executed Oath of Office, they have not entered into that Office, have not accepted the duties of that Office, and have no right to exercise the powers of that Office. This applies equally against Governors and Judges, District Attorneys, Presidents, and members of the Territorial and Municipal Congresses.

Even if we should produce a million witnesses of their words and even if we were to accept the concept of a verbal contract being in theory sufficient -- it is not sufficient to our Law and to the requirements imposed upon Public Officers and those elected and appointed officials occupying our Public Offices.

We must conclude that: (1) these elected officials admit that they have been elected to fill similarly named private corporation offices and are engaged in a ruse to fool the Public; or (2) these elected officials are associating themselves with our Public Offices and exercising the powers of these Offices without accepting the duty and liability which enables them to enter these offices and exercise these powers.

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