Choose not to react to negativity | (Check Description)

11 months ago

Choose Not To React To Negativity.

I see so many patriots get so triggered by what some random name on the internet has to say. Don’t give away your energy to those people. Don’t let them hold that power over you. I really do hate seeing it and I know some of you Frens who’ve also been in this movement for awhile cringe just like I do when you see it.

We are very passionate especially when it comes to this country but that person you’re arguing on the internet with more than likely will not change their mind or this country in anyway. They use insults, ridicule, and mockery aka “feelings” to make their point while we use facts.

I like to think that the people who’ve been following us for awhile are more informed than most and should really never lose an argument lol Is that big headed of me ? 🤣 Well it’s true.

Most of the time they know they have no valid argument so more times than not it will turn into them just trying to trigger you so laugh it off and save that energy for more important things. We need to try to explain this to some of our fellow patriots. If you’re winning the argument but then get triggered by their insults then they win Frens.

Don’t see it too often on this page because sadly we dont get trolls anymore (😭😭😭) but I’ve been seeing it a lot on Truth.

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