Sentinels of Earth Prime - Maximum Speed Johnny Rocket Unlock

1 year ago

These have been long overdue and on my week off, I opted to try to knock as many out as I possibly could. For this one, we need to start the turn with the following minimums: 5 momentums in play, play 5 momentums, and have 5 momentums in play at the end while having less than 10 HP.

To achieve this, we need a villain with some bulk, TL Tachyon to feed him the cards he needs, and then to wait until he gets beat down. I was hoping to have Haka use Savage Mana to collect some of the annoying things Omega has, but it is just too late by the time everything is in place. Luckily for this one, you don't need to win, and it helps to serve as a reminder for what the various cards do since I am very out of practice. Also, I could have used more healing if nothing else...

The environment for most of these will be Zhu Long since it is the most hero friendly environment, allowing you to get additional draws and plays. There are some unlocks that will require a different environment, and we will cross that bridge when we get there.

As for this variant, he has a bit of the Temple's effect going on with the ninjas, where some of your cards will jump into play. I think Ambuscade has an effect like this as well, so it is neat to see it on the hero side if nothing else. Sadly, I am not really a fan of the Earth-Prime heroes, so I don't see myself going out of my way to play most of them with a couple exceptions.

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