1 year ago

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Many may not remember the monumental extent of evil the government imposed on us with their covid bullshit, but I do. Remember when churches were told to close, but liquor stores were deemed essential? How about when strip clubs were deemed essential but mom & pop stores were not? Remember when hair salons were forced to shut down but target could stay wide open? All for your safety right? Wrong.

Remember when they held a metaphoric gun to your head, forcing you to either be injected or lose your job? Thousands of health care workers that were last years hero’s were then thrown out like discardable waste, all for not wanting a forced medical procedure. That should have been enough to make you question the entire narrative. But many of you didn’t. How disappointing.

Remember the stay at home orders? Simultaneously the same pig politicians telling you to be shut in, hung-out unmasked at palatial restaurants, not social distanced. Large corporations thrived, while you were bled out. Never forget that covid nineteen is one of the biggest wealth transfers in human history, & it certainly wasn’t you & I that reaped the benefits.

Remember when big tech, allied with big pharma, became the speech police for the government? Suddenly you couldn’t even question the mainstream covid consensus without being ridiculed, censored, given medical watermarks, or entirely de-platformed. All of this makes 1984 look like cake.

How does all of this not infuriate you to the point where you gain enough lucidity to see what’s actually going on here? What’s wrong with you? Where did things go wrong, to the point where you doubt the evidence your own eyes observe? It’s truly sad how people couldn’t connect the dots.

The assault on our basic freedoms has never been more obvious. Deep down you knew. Maybe you thought it was cute to play covid theater & get high off the thrill of feeling like a victim, who knows.

You may not remember, but I do. Better wake up before it’s too late. Don’t wana look like a total jackass when the cards fall. And they are…

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