Traditional Style Churma Ladoo Recipe No Sugar or Syrup with Less Ghee | Dil_seart

11 months ago

Traditional Style Churma Ladoo Recipe No Sugar or Syrup with Less Ghee | Dil_seart

Churma Ladoo is a traditional Indian sweet made from coarsely ground wheat flour, jaggery, ghee, and aromatic spices. It is often served during festive occasions like weddings and religious celebrations. Here's a recipe for making Churma Ladoo in the traditional style:


1 cup coarsely ground wheat flour (atta)
1/4 cup ghee
1/4 cup grated jaggery (gur)
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder (elaichi)
1/4 cup chopped nuts (almonds, pistachios, cashews)

Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).

In a mixing bowl, add the coarsely ground wheat flour and ghee. Mix well until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

Spread the mixture onto a baking sheet and bake for about 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Be sure to stir the mixture every 5 minutes to ensure even baking.

Once baked, let the mixture cool down to room temperature.

In a separate pan, add the grated jaggery and a tablespoon of water. Cook on medium heat until the jaggery dissolves and becomes syrupy.

Add the cardamom powder and mix well.

Add the baked wheat flour mixture and chopped nuts to the jaggery syrup. Mix well until the mixture comes together.

Allow the mixture to cool slightly.

Grease your palms with a little ghee and shape the mixture into small round balls (ladoos).

Let the ladoos cool down completely before serving.

Traditional style Churma Ladoo is a delicious sweet that is easy to make at home. These ladoos can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week, making them perfect for festive occasions or as a sweet snack. Enjoy!

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