Tiny Tot Attempts To Sing Jingle Bells In A Winter Wonderland

8 years ago

Ahh, memories… Remember when you were a little tot and your aunt thought to record you dancing in nothing but diapers? It is the greatest family story when you gather round for Christmas. Whether we love them or hate them, memories are here to stay, forever, probably even after that. We know it might sound ominous, but it isn’t all that bad. Just remember that someone, somewhere is thinking about what you did when you were little and your antics plaster a wistful smile on their faces.

Now, this footage will definitely make you smile! A tiny tot does her finest rendition of Jingle Bells while snow falls all around her. She might not have the words down yet, but she's definitely got the melody! The little girl probably hates the cold, but hates that someone is recording her even more if her mouth wobbles are anything to go by. She is one adorable trooper because she manages to carry on singing through it all, and even finishes the song.

Next year, once she's got the words, we're confident she'll have her own live Christmas special. And a few years later, once the memory of the winter chill fades, she might even look at this video with fondness and even show it to her own children and grandchildren to make them show their pearly whites. After all, that is what memories are for!

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