Robert Kennedy, Jr. Supported Censorship In 2014 Against 'Climate Deniers'

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In 2014, Robert Kennedy, Jr. advocated jailing “climate deniers” in the Huffington Post titled “What States’ Attorney General Can Do About Climate Deniers.” Under the guise of following the “overwhelming scientific consensus on global warming,” Kennedy urged that state prosecutors give the death penalty to companies like Exxon-Mobil Corporation and Koch Industries: “corporations which deliberately, purposefully, maliciously and systematically sponsor climate lies should be given the death penalty.” But he doesn’t stop there as he also wants non-profit organizations which oppose his warped climate view to be shuttered and their assets to be distributed to government favored entities: “An Attorney General with particularly potent glands could revoke the charters… [of] oil industry surrogates like [American Enterprise Institute] AEI and [Competitive Enterprise Institute] CEI…” whose free market philosophies made them naturally suspicious of environmental diktats designed to end the western free enterprise system. Kennedy understood their implications to the American system of political dissent as guaranteed under the First Amendment and yet urged politically weaponized state Attorneys General to destroy those who stood in his way.

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