How the CIA Trained Violent Tibetan Extremists To Stoke Unrest In China

1 year ago

Prof Ken Hammond of New Mexico State University video: How the CIA Trained Violent Tibetan Extremists To Stoke Unrest In China 新墨西哥州立大學肯·哈蒙德教授視頻:中央情報局如何訓練暴力西藏極端分子在中國煽動騷亂

Tibet is a popular cause in the West with the Dalai Lama often revered as a wise elder. But in reality Tibet was a feudal society and oppressive religious hierarchy long allied with the U.S. against China. And in the 1950s the U.S. went so far as to train violent Tibetan extremists to break away from China. 西藏在西方是一項受歡迎的事業,達賴喇嘛經常被尊為明智的長者。 但實際上,西藏是一個封建社會,有著壓迫性的宗教等級制度,長期與美國結盟對抗中國。 20世紀50年代,美國甚至訓練暴力西藏極端分子脫離中國.

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