The Holy Spirit As Memory Aid

10 months ago

John 14:26 “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.”

Continuing in John’s Gospel, Jesus is still in the upper room with his friends, trying to prepare them for what lies ahead. The tenderness of his attempts to comfort them is striking. He sees their confusion and fear and in essence says, ‘I know you don’t fully understand all of this, but I am asking the Father to send you the Spirit and that one will teach you what you need to know. Spirit will clear things up for you.’ As if that were not enough, he looks at them with soft eyes and says, ‘Spirit will also help you remember me and what I have said to you.’

Yesterday, I visited my 97 year old mother in her care home. Her memory is not what it once was and, sadly, she knows it. She doesn’t trust her memories even when they are trustworthy. But, if I begin to reminisce with her, tell her about a family outing, or ask her a question about a play (she was a drama teacher) she can usually find a snippet or two. When I give her space and she concentrates, something wonderful returns to her and brings a smile of joy and pride.
Today’s verse tells us that in our own lives Spirit will prime the pump and help us remember just what we need to of Jesus’ teaching so that we can live in joy and safety. The Greek text of this word is very strong. It could literally be translated that the Spirit will cause you to remember.

Have you ever found a word of scripture come into your mind at just the needed moment? Maybe you don’t know the quote completely or couldn’t find it in the Bible, but you know it is there and it is perfect. That is Spirit as teacher and memory aid, bringing to mind just what you need to face your moment.

Today, pause and think of any area of life in which you feel the need of extra guidance. Quiet your mind and emotions as best you can and ask the Spirit to remind you of something Jesus taught that can help you in your situation. Listen and be thankful. Don’t worry if nothing comes to you immediately. You may not need the answer now. It will come when most needed.

Prayer: O Holy Spirit, help me today to remember Jesus’ teaching at exactly the right moment. Teach me your ways and make me mindful. In Jesus’ holy name I pray. Amen

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