Across the Pond-07.14.23

1 year ago

"On the latest episode of 'Across the Pond' with Trent Loos and Andrew Henderson, delved into a wide range of topics, making for an engaging and dynamic show. They kicked things off by discussing the recent events surrounding Bastille Day in France, particularly the French President being booed. This led to a thought-provoking exploration of the power dynamics between kings and today's elite politicians. Loos and Henderson examined how the world's elitists often perpetuate hoaxes on various issues, prompting a discussion on the need for change.

The conversation then shifted to the political landscape in the Netherlands and the potential path of the next Dutch government. The hosts explored whether the Dutch might choose to leave the European Union, delving into the implications and potential consequences of such a decision. This segment provided valuable insights into the evolving political dynamics in Europe.

Towards the end of the show, Trent Loos shared some intriguing information about the acidity levels of certain vinegars, highlighting the importance of maintaining a specific acidity level for canning purposes. This practical tip demonstrated the hosts' commitment to providing useful knowledge to their audience. Additionally, they mentioned an upcoming program in a Nebraska College that aims to teach meat-cutting and processing, showcasing their support for vocational education and skills development.


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