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Storm After Storm

1 year ago

No doubt about it, this is a very cultural stormy life season. The cultural chaos is loud and very noisy to our soul. The state of our nations is “flux”! The cultural storms are coming in one after another and it makes us feel overwhelmed and hopeless. We can’t even catch our breath between these life storms as they roll in. God wants us to activate our faith and listen up to Him. How do we do that in these crazy times?

How do we stay safe in these cultural storms, so we are not led by fear and jumbled up emotions? So that we are not deceived and impulsively make bad choices. Stillness is a good answer. Clear your soul with God’s Word, His truth is a great stabilizer. Make time to sit in God’s Presence and soak up His peace into your soul. Stillness is valuable in times such as these and we should treat it as such. God’s Word is our strength. We need to creatively think of ways to be in God’s Word. I listen to it when I walk. I have certain verses taped to my mirror and I see them when I get up in the morning. I pray God’s Word.

I spend time in my Vital-Vertical relationship with God in His Word, talking with Him, praying for my family. This is a precious time for me each day, kind of like an appointment with God that I look forward to every morning. I don’t compartmentalize God out of my life. He is in all of my life, this is being wholehearted with God, having an undivided heart. (Psalm 86:11-12) I practice the Presence of God all day, inviting Him into everything, because He is there, in the all of my everything. There is not a moment I am without God. In the calm times, He is there, in the stormy times He is there. Omnipresent GOD! Oh, how I love that about Him.

We need to practice the Presence of God, talking with Him about everything, standing in Awe of Who He is and sharing our concerns with Him, giving Him our feelings so we don’t act on them, but we act out of God’s navigation of truth and faith as God leads us. I love this quote by A.T. Pierson. “Go as I am led. Go when I am led. Go where I am led.”

Yes, our culture is in a state of flux and it is not always good changes that are taking place. The storms are raging, but God is in the storms. These storms are very distracting, so we need to learn to look away and be God focused, be alert to God’s Presence. This is not a time for casual Christianity, it is a time to be all in with God. Wholeheartedness in our relationship with God is a good way to be safe and protected in times such as these. God is with us, God is for us. Trust Him. Let be, be still and know He is God.
Dig Deeper:

“God never gives guidance for two steps at a time. I must take one step, and then I get light for the next. This keeps the heart in abiding dependence upon God.” Robert J. Morgan

“Is it not my family God has chosen? Yes, He has made an everlasting covenant with me. His agreement is arranged and guaranteed in every detail. He will ensure my safety and success.” 2 Samuel 23:2-3