Biblical Audio Commentary – Tribulation Desolation: Good Luck, Post-Tribbers!

1 year ago

This is a never-ending source of fascination for me: How is it that those who adhere to a post-Tribulation Rapture perspective can actually look forward to those horrific seven years of God’s wrath and judgment? And they do. There is almost a glee about many of them as they consider these coming difficult times. In their thinking: Oh, they’ll be shielded by God and also be performing astounding miracles. I think some see themselves symbolically as the Two Witnesses. They’ll live in protected, sustainable communities apart from all those on the receiving end of God’s punishment. It’ll be a glorious time, unlike any other ever experienced on the earth for them. Well, they’ve got that last part right.

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Kindle Vella story: Tribulation Rising

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