Buckingham Town Council Meeting Full Council

1 year ago

Full Council meetings are held every seven weeks. However, if there is any urgent business that needs to be transacted, then an Interim Council meeting will be held. The Full Council deals with important business which affects the whole town. It oversees the Committees of the Council. The Council also receives reports from local District and County Councillors and bodies to which it appoints representatives. At this meeting, members of the committee discuss; Minutes from other committees, Major Application, Planning Appeal, Motion from Cllr. Cole JP regarding not holding planning meetings the same night as Interim Full Council Meetings, Motion from Cllr. Stuchbury regarding imposing planning conditions on drainage companies following the flash flooding, Update on Boundary Review and Town Council Boundaries, Licensing Application for 14 Hillcrest Way, Civility and Respect, Climate Emergency Action Plan, Town and Parish Survey, Consultation on the Relocation of Furze Down School's Sixth Form, To recieve and question reports from Buckinghamshire Council Councillors, Action List, Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies and Mayoral Enagements.

Visit our website for more information about each committee, including their roles, meeting dates, and which councillors attend.

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