The First Ever Rubik's Cube Champion Can Still Keep Up With His Record

9 years ago

On a day-to-day basis, we consider ourselves to be pretty smart people. And then comes the topic for the Rubik’s cube. We cannot even attempt to solve a Rubik’s Cube, but we are seriously amazed that there are people out there who can do it so easily. We’ve been told that there are little steps and patterns to follow in order to solve one, and if you do it successfully once, you can keep practicing until you solve it with ease. But, no use. It’s too complicated, we give up. However, there are some people who had mastered the Rubik’s cube and are champions in solving it! Literally!

Minh Thai is a Vietnamese-American speedcuber. As a sixteen-year-old student, he won the first World chamionship in 1982 in Budapest, Hungary with a best single of 22.95 seconds using a corners first method. Simply amazing! 1979 was the year he came to the USA from Vietnam as a refugee, without knowing any word English! Seven days after buying a Cube in June 1981, he could do it in under two minutes. Now, years have passed from his youth and glory. However, we have this video proving to all of us that he's still got some talent left after all these years.

Do you think we can ask him for a tutorial? It’s really mesmerizing to watch him. Well, it looks like he needs a thunderclap!

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