Daily Energy Standup Episode #165 – A Weekly Recap - Venezuela's Oil-for-Debt Deal, Shell CEO...

1 year ago

Daily Energy Standup Episode #165 - Weekly Recap: Venezuela's Oil-for-Debt Deal, Shell CEO Eyes US Relocation, Renewable-Powered High-Speed Train, and Biden's Green Subsidy Spree

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 - Intro
01:09 - Venezuela Looks To Pay Down $20 Billion In U.S. Debt With Oil Exports – Why is there an extimated $6 B price difference?
04:06 - Shell CEO Dreams of Leaving UK for Greener (Profitable) Pastures in the US
07:47 - Batteries And Renewables Are Saving Texas During The Heat Wave
11:00 - This high speed train could be the first to be powered entirely by renewable energy
13:57 - DAVID BLACKMON: Biden Is Spreading Around Green Subsidies Like A Vegas Gambler
15:50 - Outro

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