All Six Draugr Holes Defeated With All 9 Burdens and Spartan Gear With Spartan Aspis Shield GMGOW+

1 year ago

While using the burdens and Spartan gear I take a "calm and reasonable" approach. I try to minimize the risk by not doing anything fancy. I especially take that approach when using the Spartan Aspis Shield given how much more difficult it is to use.

Doing this is harder than you may think. Doing Burden gameplay against multiple enemies at once is always a difficult thing to do. The inability to roll or easily block really becomes a problem when you have half a dozen enemies on screen. Also dealing with them quickly is obviously a problem due to the much lower damage output. And on top of all that half of the Draugr Holes take place in very small areas so you don't have a lot of room to work. If you are new to Burden gameplay I would not recommend you start here.

The Hateful has one red ring attack that instantly makes this a much harder challenge. They do a quick charge attack with two red attack swings, one normal attack swing, and one yellow attack swing. It is easy enough to deal with when they are at range but often they do this ranged attack from point blank range. Without the ability to roll and being to low a level to really block any attacks makes dealing with this move brutal. For five of the encounters its not really bad but for the last one in the Vanaheim Crater it is awful. They spam the move nonstop and the fight takes place in an area about the size of a shoe box so you're movement is extremely limited.

The best way to do these fights with this loadout is to use you're Rage on the adds that spawn with The Hateful. Wrath tends to work best but Fury works as well as can be seen in the Alfheim encounter in this video. Once the adds are dealt with you can focus on The Hateful. They are very agile so they move a lot faster than Kratos. The timings of all the moves they do changes from one Draugr Hole to the next so don't get to comfortable with the patterns because they will change.

00:00 Intro
00:05 Svartalfheim Watchtower
01:18 Build
01:53 Svartalfheim Mine
03:07 Alfheim Barrens
04:35 Vanaheim
06:07 Midgard Lake of Nine
07:53 Vanaheim Crater
10:09 Build
10:44 Outro

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