Article Video - The Illegal and Unlawful Securitization Fraud By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article Video - The Illegal and Unlawful Securitization Fraud - Wednesday, July 5, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

One of the primary means used to derive Unjust Enrichment from all the foregoing described fraud schemes has been securitization.

The property assets seized upon via the False Registration processes were "securitized" and used as collateral backing debts run up by the same criminal Municipal Corporations operating out of the District of Columbia and their Territorial franchises operating as Territorial States of States and Territorial Counties, all of which were incorporated under the British Crown apparatus.

Illegally and unlawfully, the bodies of the living Americans were mischaracterized as "cargo" of the phony British Territorial U.S. Citizen "vessels" created for them without their knowledge or consent.

This results in enslavement and coerced obedience under force and color of law. It also results in fraud upon the courts.

It is patently and absolutely unlawful and illegal to securitize the flesh of a living man as an asset in trade or commerce (slavery) and it has also been unlawful and illegal to force his labor (peonage) since 1926; the brigands responsible for the current situation have hoped to avoid and evade these facts by mischaracterizing the victims as corporations, not living men --- while at the same time enforcing court judgements against these corporations as if they applied to the living men that these corporations have been named after.

The rationale appears to be that it is not illegal or unlawful to enslave a corporation--- for that matter, it isn't illegal or unlawful to murder, rob, rape, or otherwise despoil, defraud, or maim a corporation -- and so by labeling a corporation with a living man's name, the Perpetrators responsible for this scheme have cintrived to excuse themselves and their courts by mischaracterizing the victims as corporations.

Part of their scheme has been to seize upon American homes and land and businesses, redefine these private property assets as corporation trust assets, and then foist off the debts that the Usurpers have accumulated as mortgages owed on the trust property.

Any would-be buyer has to pay off the mortgage owed on the trust property as a tenant, and once the mortgage is paid off, the victim can enter into a "future lease purchase agreement" --- and begin the whole process over again as a Leasor, instead of a Tenant, of the same trust property.

This avoids the fact that there is no valid "trust" established over American land holdings, only a "presumed" trust interest being asserted by the British Monarch based on the phony birth registration process and the assumption that all these purloined Americans are British Territorial U.S. Citizens and subjects of the King.

The "future lease purchase clause" admits that there is no sale of property involved in any mortgage transaction in this country. The bank is renting the property out to tenants who are obligated to pay the phony government's debt on the house asset which remains in their equally phony and unjustifiable "State Trust".

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