A Commonsense and Grounded Explanation on 5D Consciousness

1 year ago


Welcome to another video with Bailey!

In this video Bailey discusses:
•The commonsense process of moving into "5D"
•The importance of tuning into The Earth's consciousness and not anything "outside" of ourselves and our natural spirit connection
•The importance of the Earth Star Chakra
•Family Karma and Past Life Clearing
•The Divine Feminine and The Matriarch
•Choosing to work with the new energies opening up to us
•Feeling the intuitive impulses from The Divine Feminine and going on a unique spirit journey through creativity, beauty, art, love and relationship
•Women becoming The Divine Muse in this new planetary era
•Trusting in the soul and your own higher self connection with the higher realms
•Enjoying being on The Earth with our spirits and choosing to align with enjoyable experiences

NOTE: as we move into higher spheres of evolution, our energetic bodies and chakra system also evolves! How we work with and express life force and the energetic body/ chakra system also evolves out of the "3D'" or old world Patriarchal energy body that we experienced with the Ego consciousness at the Fall of Atlantis. Thus, it is wise to begin to work with your chakras and energy body and allow yourself to be guided to someone who can help you clear ( and give you energetic tools ) and open up your energetic system to higher amounts of life force and light that are now open and available to us from the higher realms!
We also have a big emphasis on wanting or feeling to evolve out of "old world" masculine and feminine expressions within us, wanting to move out of dysfunctional ways of being in relationship. We go through a planetary process into more loving, supportive expressions of masculine and feminine in alignment with The Return of The Matriarch- so if you are feeling you are wanting to work with masculine or feminine, you are most likely feeling the evolutionary impulses from the new era energies that are open!

We also experience our mind and heart energies in a very different way in the body!

Videos mentioned/ recommended:
Atlantis and The Collapse of The Masculine Ego : https://youtu.be/QTwO-I-ckgk

Shadow Work ( a good video to watch to understand the clearing of the energy body): https://youtu.be/z42H7Hxxiq8

Make a donation(thankyou 💕 ) : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/loveb44

To stay up to date with me and my services ( website coming soon) : https://www.instagram.com/love_bee44/

PDF Booklets : https://www.etsy.com/nz/shop/LoveBee44?

Book A session : https://loveb5996.setmore.com/

Bailey is clairvoyant spirit medium , healing channel and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Dimensions.
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.

Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay


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DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

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