WEF Pushes ‘Mark of the Beast’ CBDC Microchip That Will ‘End Gun Ownership in America’

1 year ago

Propelling ahead at breakneck speed, the globalist elite are implementing their plan to utilize CBDCs embedded under the skin, aiming to abolish the Second Amendment.

The World Economic Forum has called on Western nations to “urgently” ban cash and implement a Chinese-style social credit score system amid growing public rejection of the globalist agenda.

CBDCs are digital versions of national currencies, touted to bring about an efficient, secure, and accessible monetary system. But, in reality the digital currency will hand total financial control of people’s live over to central banks and governments.

SOURCE: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/wef-launches-mark-of-the-beast-cbdc-microchip-that-will-end-gun-ownership-in-america/

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