THREADS? Ugh...🐇 100 Millio Have Fallen (FOR) Down the rabbit hole #shorts

10 months ago

Formulaic content can’t resonate with you.

Threadbois can’t connect with you on an existential level.

As a mental health activist...I've got concerns.

Disclaimer: I'm using threads for fun - but, THIS IS A BIGGER ISSUE.

🧵 Building Genuine Connections In Social Media is a dopamine hit - fastly fleeting to a empty feedback loop

🧵 Embracing Vulnerability: Making Flaws Fabulous!

🧵 Breaking Free from Boring Formulas: Spice Things Up!

🧵 Reshaping the Digital Landscape: Stirring Up Change!

🧵 WAVE Your Freak Flag + Unique Flava!

🧵 Embrace Your Inner Quirkiness: The Spice of Life!

Again: Take it for what it is, it's MY TRUTH.

Let's make the world a sassier place, one authentic connection at a time.


As a prompt engineer (I'll drop my Garden of Prompts to support your thread making more FUN and authentic BELOW).

I LOVE AI PROMPTS and use them to PULL OUT my inner wacky

- and polish up so I have my ADHD (many) thoughts, in a presented form that helps bring my audience from A to Z.

NOTE: It's ME behind the prompt expressing my soul's unique-ability.

If you want my 🧲 AI PROMPTS 🧲 to support authentic Content - DM ME "PROMPT"

Here's the steps. No Fear.
xo Kassandra.

Restoration is here. Are you ready?

#growthguild #seedyoursuccess #prompts #socialmedia #fyp #reels #threads #reaction #adhd #promptengineering

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SEED your Success is more than a podcast. It's a movement in the new world that we partake in and is evolving right before our eyes. It is a empowerment ecosystem known as the Growth Guild, powered by the $SEED coin so we can elevate and actualize a new way of life.

Here you’ll find deep thinkers and fast movers on the way that impacts your health, wellbeing and conscious wealth creation.

Time is moving fast, so stay up to speed on the latest and greatest on XR/VR innovative technology that creates better humans, versus controlled brainwashing, to blockchain, tokenization and cryptocurrency.

Get in on the fun, creative and enticing ways to reward your consumers or community with thoughtful and conscious Immersive personal development tools that are paving the way so you can EARN while you Learn and create your new REALITY.

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