Silly Dog Gets Jealous And Demands More Attention

9 years ago

Holly the Husky/Shepherd cross becomes green with envy every time her owner begins to pet Titan, a Siberian Husky. Holly, you need to learn to share the love!

Let's be honest, we all love our doggies even when they start acting like divas! This spoiled Husky over here is one such example. As her owner tries really hard to make his both doggies happy by cuddling and petting them, one of these adorable pooches really misses all the fun when she becomes jealous of her best friend!

Bur seriously, human, you have two hands! You can pet them both at the same time, just reach out and do it! Holly knows that best and she constantly demands to be pet equally and at the same time, because why not? So every time her owners turn to Titan, she immediately pulls his hand towards her; she doesn’t accept even a second of cuddle-less time!

She shows her owner several time how she feels about him cuddling a dog that isn’t her, but it seems the human can’t take a hint. So she does what any of us would do in such a situation - she gets up and goes closer to her owner, blocking his hand’s way to the other dog. “He’s mine!

He gets so jealous that he isn’t getting the attention that he decides to throw a hilarious tantrum. Oh, Holly. Don’t be silly. Dad loves you both!

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