Nanotech Plandemic

1 year ago

The network that hooks up human bodies to the internet has just been established. This is what the most recent conferences and papers coming out of the UN and the WEF are focusing on right now. We have recently discovered a body of work that has been made public that discloses what the technology is, how it works, and what the plans are for rolling it out. While this technology is not really something new (its been worked on since at least the 1990’s) it was kept hidden and implemented covertly for years and then recently launched in full force right before Covid. Perhaps it is the reason why Covid happened. The network consists of a global grid that runs on 6G and 7G frequencies that connects all surfaces of the planet through satellites in space to the nano machine technology that has been injected into 5.55 billion people through the Covid-19 Injections.

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