USA Military Weak From Woke - Can We Counter China Attack

10 months ago
16 So here's one that's going to make you shudder. And that's because our commander in chief wants to weaken our military. And in doing so, our security as a nation by eliminating merit based determinations in our military. I'm not making this up. The White House just released its comments on the House led bill, where it said the administration strongly opposes section 523 of the brand new National Defense Authorization Act. That's the act that gives our military what they need so they can be prepared to fight our nation's wars. So here it is section 523, the section that the that the president and his administration strongly opposes. It goes like this, the Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulation that with regards to a military session, assignment, selection, or promotion. Number one, a determination shall be made on the basis of merit in order to advance those individuals who exhibit the talent and abilities necessary to promote the national security of the United States. Number two, a candidate shall be evaluated on the basis of qualifications, performance, integrity, fitness, training, and conduct. Number three, no determination may be based on favoritism or nepotism. And number four, no quota may be used. So I ask, why is this so strongly opposed? Why is this so controversial? You know, it's common sense. Because what this section is quite simply describing is what all of us as Americans want from this country. It's what all of us want in this country to be judged by our character, by our merit, by our abilities, and not by anything else. Now, let's not be be naive here. We are a long way from that. Okay, I'm not ignoring that. But that's what we want. And what's so disgusting to me is that when we don't have it, we compromise our national defense, our security, our war fighting ability, and our strength. And all because the virtue signalers that want to make sure we have the right number of the right kind of a certain person in a job in our military, it just doesn't make sense to me. Do we think really do we think the Chinese or the Russians care about the color of the skin, or the gender or the sexual orientation of their enemy? No, they don't care. What they care about is their ability to defeat them. And that should be our concern, our ability to not let that happen to not be defeated. Now hear me, folks. I don't care who gets the job. I don't care who gets the promotion, who gets the rank. For all I care, they can have green skin, three penises and believe in the sun god. I don't care. But what I do care about is that they are whoever they are, that they are the best damn warfighter that we have, that they're the best soldier, the best tactician, the best officer, the best general. That there is period. It's what we deserve. It's what those who came before us and died for deserve. And it's what those who will follow deserve, the best and the brightest period. That's what I think anyway. But hey, it's me. What do you think here? Wolfpack? Is our national defense worth it to you? Or should we just all get over it and forget about it? Tell me what you think. Then do me a favor and share this short video so that we can get the word out and prevent this insanity from happening time and time again. And tell your friends and your family to subscribe to please. And don't forget to turn notification bell on, hit the like button. You know the deal. So that's it for now. Until next time, be ready, be strong, be alert, and keep on prepping.

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