🇪🇺 EU Targets to Restore Ecosystems by 2050 Stalls in ENVI Committee Vote 🇪🇺

11 months ago

The EP Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) finishes voting on a draft regulation to introduce legally binding EU targets to restore Europe's damaged ecosystems - forests and agricultural land to urban areas, rivers and marine habitats - by 2050. No majority in ENVI Committee is secured for the law as amended (44 votes in favor and 44 votes against). The Committee will hence table to plenary the proposal to reject the Commission’s proposal. Extracts from the vote.

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

Media Center Link:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/de/video/vote-on-nature-restoration-law-extracts-from-the-vote-envi-committee_I243003

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