The Spirit Of Truth

11 months ago

Today take a moment to think about Spirit as Truth. We know that we live in a time that seems to love lies, that chooses lies over truth, that decides that lies really are truth. So how do we sort that all out? The easiest and most reliable way I know of when confronted with conflicting narratives, both external and internal, is to ask a couple of diagnostic questions. Is this idea, narrative, belief, behavior, conclusion consistent with what we know of God revealed in Jesus Christ? Is it loving? Is it forgiving? Is it just? Is it redemptive? Does it support the common good? Or, is it exclusive, judgmental, mean spirited, violent, self-serving or based on prejudice? When we honestly ask those questions, it quickly becomes obvious where Spirit Truth is found. Today, take a moment to notice when choices that have a moral component need to be made. Ask yourself the questions above and listen for the Spirit’s answer.

Prayer: Spirit of Truth, guide us today in every choice and action so that you may be glorified in our lives. In Jesus’ holy name we pray. Amen.

#dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #dailydevotional #SpiritofTruth #ListenForTheAnswer

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