Dry harvested garlic

1 year ago

June. Time to harvest the garlic. This is how the harvested garlic is dried. Garlic is dug out of the ground. The stem is cut off. The fruits of garlic are collected in a bunch. Then they hang up. The garlic needs to dry out. Then the garlic is removed in the refrigerator. Garlic can be stored there until next summer. Garlic is very easy to plant. You need to take one piece of garlic (chive) and plant it in the ground. Then water. Green shoots will appear. Young green shoots can be eaten. It's soft. Then the shoots become hard and not edible. Garlic is usually planted in autumn. In the spring it starts to grow. Green stems grow above the ground. And the fruits of garlic ripen in the ground. Harvested in June. The garlic you see in the video was planted in the fall.

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