Say NO to the COMMY democrat party: look up Donald Trumps Accomplishments!596

11 months ago

Look up Donald John Trumps ACCOMPLISHMENTS they are MORE then ALL other presidents probably combined! start with Joey as VP until now as president. Hell as the Joey obama vp they did 28 low level mostly NON-America things: one was what wash room to use & we STILL today DON'T know. I guess if it has the sign with a dress & you dress like a female then you use that wash room. that just stands to reason & I have not seen a dress come though wash rooms I've used.
The COMMY democrat party does not give a crap for DEMOCRACY, Hell pelosi got rid of democracy on a 100% democrat only vote to impeach & 4 other made up all lies impeachment. these kind of COMMY democrats DON'T belong in America as the British Red Coats never did we now call England.
The British Red Coats in 1776 tried the same weaponized law now as of 2023 under Joey.democrats! & higher prices, taxes! open boarders as of Joey. NO democracy! democracy was DONE in America as of pelosi 100% democrat only impeachment = total COMMY vote! hell democracy left when the republicans vote counters stood 50 feet from the voting so the democrats could CHEAT! the democrat today are COMMY's on America! & for decades!
Democrats USE democracy as they USE blacks as needed then abandon it when they can't get what they want!
What CRY baby's pelosi is a huge CRY CROW. all she ever did was CRY! oh and commit TREASON as Joey does even today!
By far THE BEST president that shows his total LOVE for America & the American people or his America FIRST ALWAYS agenda. Donald Trumps accomplishments as president from intro to 500 plus things Trump did as president. please do not believe one word I say or post by all means go to where I got this info as the PROOF that it is right from the White house records. this is just a copy past from: I put this web address here so you too can see the FACTS as they are the records for Donald J Trumps accomplishments as president! copy then past this in your address bar:

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