Final Fight Roxy / Poison Immortal Bug

1 year ago

This Roxy / Poison bug makes them immortal, you're going to be in a serious trouble if it happens in a gameplay.

I found this bug last year playing online and it behaves in a very similar way as the immortal bug that happens with Holly Wood / El Gado / Rolento, for more details of how to handle this bug check the Holly Wood / El Gado Immortal Bug video, link below.
To activate this one, you have to damage Roxy / Poison until they are one hit to die, if an Andore jumps on your head to stomp you, you have to grab Roxy / Poison and do a suplex or pile driver in a perfect frame where Andore stomps you at the same time, that will activate the immortal bug.

There are more enemies that can become immortal the same way with Haggar and Andore, but I didn't test all of them.

Holly Wood / El Gado Immortal Bug:

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