"Abortion Is A Human Right"

1 year ago

Less than two years ago, I told my now boyfriend (I add “now” since we met at a time when I still thought s*x was something that could be casual) that if I got pregnant, the chances I’d get an abortion were 99.9%.

Less than two years ago, I was confused at how anyone, let alone any man, would be upset by the idea of someone getting an abortion - because I was yet a radical feminist who believed that all abortions, including medically unnecessary ones, were a human right.

Now, I know that we are a deeply social species capable of learning language and reacting to pain beginning in our mothers' wombs - with our own unique DNA & bodies from the moment our mothers’ eggs met our fathers’ sperm. Now, I see that the most fundamental of all human rights is the right to life, and that there is mass indoctrination and psychosis being pushed by the powers-that-be who seek break down the family unit, to increase suffering, and to LITERALLY depopulate us.

This is not to pass judgment on women. It’s not my place to. I have personally stood by and even encouraged friends through abortion and, again, would likely have gotten one myself in the past.

However, none of this changes the reality that we are, as a society, morally accepting and financially supporting the medically unnecessary termination of innocent human life, and calling it female empowerment.

I repent.

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