Self is a Fictional Character | Neuroscience and Eastern Philosophy Agree

11 months ago

This realization has profound implications for our mental well-being. Mistaking the illusory self as real can lead to unnecessary suffering, causing us to become entangled in worries, anxieties, and conflicts.
Imagine for a moment if we could detach ourselves from this concept of self. What would happen to our problems and concerns if we removed the "self" from the equation?
Eastern wisdom has long taught that liberation from suffering comes from recognizing the illusory nature of the self. Now, science seems to be catching up, shedding light on the mind's role in constructing this fictional sense of self.
So, as we continue our journey of self-discovery, let us ponder the profound question: Who are we truly? Perhaps by letting go of the illusion of self, we can find a deeper understanding and peace within ourselves.

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