Disturbing the Universe - Freeman Dyson - Part 7

1 year ago

Disturbing the Universe - Freeman Dyson - Part 7
Chapters 15, 16, & 17
Page 172 in reference to research in recombinanat DNA and genetic engineering:
Two things we have learned from Wells and Haldane. Man cannot play God and still stay sane. And the progress of biology is inescapably placing in man's hands the power to play God. But from these two facts it does not follow that there is no hope for us. We still can choose to be masters of our fate. To deny to any man the power to play God, it is not necessary to forbid him to experiment and explore. It is necessary only to make strict laws placing the application of his knowledge under public control.
Page 173: The man who did more than any other single person to rid the world of biological weapons is Matthew Meselson, professor of biology at Harvard. He came as I did to the ACDA (Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for the summer of 1963...
Page 185: "Do I dare disturb the universe?" a quote from T.S. Eliot 1917
Page 193: "The past and the future are not remote from us. The people six hundred years back and of six hundred years ahead are people like ourselves. They are our neighbors in this universe. Technology has caused, and will cause, profound changes in style of life and thought, seperating us from our neighbors. All the more precious, then, are the bonds of kinship that tie us all together." ~ Freeman Dyson

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