Women Are Scared Of These Men - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous on Subscribestar. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover a realization I came to when I was chatting with someone over Skype about how people literally don't know what to do when a man does not define himself by trying to have, or having women in his life. Today with YouTube and social media the cat is out of the bag when it comes to men understanding female nature. Traditionally men compete for women to fight the fear of being shamed and ostracized by showing everyone they have a Girlfriend. That they are worthy of joining the club of proper humanity and that they aren't incels. To show the world they have value and to show off their partner which is something people get out of relationships. But when a guy in a relationship sees a single man that's free and enjoying his life stress free then women try to censor such men from the field of view of their partners for fear that their man will choose that freedom over them. That's why couple friends cut out all single friends. That's one of the reasons I lost a friend of 20 years. Their wives and partners don't want them to see there happiness out there being single. They want them to see such guys as losers as well. There is sociali ostracization of single men and there always has been up until this point in history. But social media now allows us to bypass women censoring single men out of social environments so that their ideas don't reach the blue pilled men in so called happy relationships. The red pill is like a virus that whamen can't stop anymore. Women are scared of such men red pilling their blue pill men which I know I've done many many thousands of times by now. A few times some women have contacted me pissed off that I was the reason their relationship ended. Specifically because I had probably explained their behavior to their boyfriends, fiances or husbands perfectly. Also remember that the blue pilled simp is usually in relationship and he opens up his inner child to women, sharing his secrets with her and this allows her to control him. The pattern is set when he's a boy and opens himself up for his mother and this allows her to covertly control him too. This is sometimes referred to male mother need. The need to feel that trust with his wife that he had with his mother. When a man opens himself up like that to a woman she knows she's got his gonads in her purse. For most men this is an automatic process. We love our subjugation because it feels comfortable like we are 5 years old with our mother. Women also seemingly have this sixth sense ability by reading our body language to know when we are withholding our inner child from them. When they realise we can't be manipulated through it then they tend to get upset and treat us with disdain because afterall they need us to be subjugated to our emotions for them to prosper in life. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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