Now it’s Up to the Congress’s Political Will to Hold Fauci Accountable

1 year ago

07/12/2023 Nicole on Outside the Beltway: The House Committee should have brought Fauci to testify, as he is the crucial person to tell Americans why he orchestrated the cover up of the COVID-19. Miles Guo has already exposed Fauci’s special relationship with Wang Yanyi, the director general of the Wuhan Institute of virology(WIV). It’s Fauci that arranged the federal funding to fund the gain of function research at the WIV. Now, it's up to the Congress to show the political will to hold Fauci accountable.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/12/2023 妮可做客Outside the Beltway:国会应该请福奇来作证,福奇才是向美国人民说明他为什么策划了新冠病毒掩盖行为最关键的人。郭文贵已爆料福奇与武汉病毒研究所所长王延轶的特殊关系。福奇安排联邦资金资助武汉病毒研究所的病毒功能增强研究。现在取决于国会的政治意愿来追究福奇的责任。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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