Brave Hermit Love Energy. Vlog

1 year ago

Brave Hermit love Energy Vlog title is a combination of the date, July 12, 2023= 26=#8 the Strength Card which asks us to be strong and Brave. The hermit card is from the amplitude power of 9.

Thus the Schumann Resonance Today site shows us the Hermit card of go within for inner wisdom. The Quality power was 6.00, the Lovers card a harmonious partnership in its highest aspect. The Frequency average was 7.79 hertz. Thus we have 23 or #5 the Hierophant Card the pope or a spiritual messenger. That message is With strength and courage we move up the perilous mountain of enlightenment to find the cave of remembrance to find our wisdom about the lovers union to impart to the Hierophant for his spiritual message.
That message is be strong and brave and full of inner wisdom thus deliver your own spiritual message to the people!
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