MUST WATCH: @Jim_Jordan SHREDS FBI Director Over Politically Motivated Targeting of Catholics

1 year ago

JORDAN: "They're trying to put informants in the...Church...And you won't let us talk to the people who did it...

Do you think Priests should be informants inside the Church director?"

WRAY: "That product did not...result in any investigative action."

JORDAN: "You know what the motivation was?... It's politics. That's the motivation...That's what's scary." WRAY: "I expect us to be able to brief the Committee...later this summer."


Jim Jordan said that the icing on the cake was that “they [the FBI] want the taxpayers they censored, the parents they labeled [as domestic terrorists], the pro-life Catholics they called radical, they want them to pay for a new FBI headquarters and they want FISA re-authorization of the 702 program in its current form [that they were caught abusing 200,004 times].”

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