15 very nice 1/2 South Poll and 1/2 Red Angus bred heifers to start calving in September.

1 year ago

15 very nice 1/2 South Poll and 1/2 Red Angus bred heifers to start calving in September. Bred to a South Poll/Red Angus bull. Raised the way they should be. 100 % grass, no grain or antibiotics. Rotated with hot wire and docile. Heifers are located at Princeton Missouri. On-line auction is now open. This is a great opportunity for someone to start out with a great set of grass genetic heifers that will excel on forage and have a mature weight around 1000 lbs.

For more info and pictures click here: http://greenpasturesfarm.net/grass-genetic-heifers-cows-and-steers/

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