World Economic Forum: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

11 months ago

A 2015 video from the World Economic Forum describing their "Fourth Industrial Revolution".

WEF founder and chairman Klaus Schwab wrote a book titled The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Despite the euphemistic language used, 4IR is basically the use of expensive innovation to drive more profits towards the wealthiest class whilst forcing "innovative" products and behaviours onto the rest of us, in order to maintain the largest wealth transfer in human history. Pandemics and climate change are the most obvious ways to convince us to comply. Maintaining "groupthink" by establishing symbolism and slogans ("don't let it rip", "safe and effective", "net zero", flags, "equity", "inclusion", etc etc) helps. Other topics abusing humanity's tendency for empathy towards 'meaningful' causes are constantly planned at the neverending meetings our leaders now attend in collaboration with large corporate entities.

The ultimate outcome is impoverishment and forced compliance of the masses, ensuring wealth and power concentration to the few.


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