Laurel Hedges UK Instant Hedging Garden Boundary Plants Evergreen Trees ☎ 01704 827 224 Buy Online

1 year ago

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Minimum orders £150 + shipping fee, FREE UK Delivery on all orders of £300, or collect by appointment from our Lancashire nursery and meet our wonderful team who hand tend each individual plant.
Read our helpful guide to buying the best hedge plant, tree, bush or shrub for your garden or landscaping project. Buy instant hedges in rows, all grown in the heart of Great Britain.

#british #nurserygarden ☎ 01704 827 224 ☎ Mobile:07789 922 457
Before you start looking at different hedge species, you need to think about why you’re getting a new hedge in the first place. Are you trying to shield your private garden from a nosy neighbour? Are you looking for some shelter or protection for your smaller plants? Do you just want to add some colour and variety to your outdoor space? Are you a coastal garden looking for #salt resistant plants?

Different hedges prefer different aspects and soil conditions, so you need to consider what plants would grow best in your garden. You should also consider how much work you’re willing to do in your garden, as some hedge plants may be higher-maintenance than others.

Here’s a helpful list of the main factors you need to consider before choosing a new hedge:
Type of Hedge - Hedging plants can be divided into several broad categories, such as evergreen, deciduous, flowering, formal and informal.

Evergreen hedging is best for those who want a consistent screen or boundary all-year round, whereas a deciduous hedge is less susceptible to damage in very windy locations and sometimes preferable if you want a lower-maintenance, more decorative hedge. Similarly, flowering hedge plants are fantastic decorative options.

Formal hedges give a much neater appearance to your garden but require a greater level of maintenance and trimming. On the other hand, an informal hedge is more relaxed and easier to maintain.

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