365 Days Of Growing A Beard Captured On Time-Lapse Video

9 years ago

Facial hair is still a fascinating characteristic that humans possess. People take such pride in their beards, and they have been growing in popularity over the years. Check out this epic beard transformation from Justin Basl, taken over a period of 365 days! He managed to snap a selfie each day and compiled the images into an incredible time-lapse video. Amazing!

The Las Vegas man invited the whole internet to join him on his unique journey - an entire year without shaving his facial hair. On June 22, 2014, Justin began growing out his stubble, with a goal of letting it get as long as it could for following year. He would go on to post videos of himself on youTube, documenting his progress. He had two things in mind with his beard - to compete in the 3rd Annual Beard and Mustache Competition in LA, then donate the hair to Locks of Love. Sadly, both fell through, what with bad timing and the beard not being long enough. Still, Justin was very satisfied with the result at the end of his successfully hairy year.

Don't you think that the beard is pretty impressive considering that Justin grew it over the course of one year? It is impressive to see the day-by-day beard transformation and process of hair growing into this amazing time-lapse video taken over the course of a year. Justin Basl managed to capture the entire process of facial hair growth in precisely one year. Wow!

A time-lapse video has emerged showing the transformation of Justin Basl over 365 days. Justin Basl decided to take a photo of himself everyday for a year without shaving, in an attempt to grow a beard for charity.

Everyday he photographed himself and added the photo to the time-lapse video. Starting in June 2014 he decided to grow his beard for a whole year and after the year is complete, he decided to compete in the 3rd Annual Beard and Mustache Competition in Los Angeles. After the contest, he will donate his beard hair to charity called 'Locks of Love.' What a nice gesture!

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.

The initiative for Locks of Love began in the mind of Madonna Coffman, a retired cardiac nurse with extensive volunteer experience under her belt working for non-profits in the Palm Beach area. When she developed alopecia in her 20’s after a hepatitis vaccination, she recovered with medications. Fifteen years later, her 4-year-old daughter developed alopecia herself and lost all of her hair. The mother would later say that even though she had a hard time coping with her own hair loss, her daughter’s was ten times harder. That is when she gave up on her charity work and spearheaded Locks of Love.

Mrs. Coffman’s garage was brimming with bins of mail and hair donations, before finally securing some donated office space at a local hospital and locating a high quality prosthetics manufacturer. Since then, Locks for Love has been up and running with utmost success, receiving support from both the media and volunteers all over the country.

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