Whale Sounds Meditation

1 year ago

Whale Sounds Meditation 9.55 minutes running time.

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The whale is the world’s largest mammal and teaches lessons in vibration and sound.

Whales are honored as the Record Keepers of the cosmos.

It is believed that within the vast intellect of whales is held the Akashic records, containing all knowledge and experience in the history of all life.

Their strange song rings a knowing of astral realms and elemental depths beyond our comprehension. They are an audible reflection of the cosmos, dreaming and awake at once.

Whale as a power animal is concerned with bringing messages out of the depths of your being – out of ancestral memories that lie deep within you in your DNA code.

The answers to many of life’s greatest perplexities lie hidden there, as well as the records of your own past and the indications of your own destiny.

Whale can help you to go deep down into the oceans of Time and discover and understand the ancient wisdom.

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