JAR - Whose LINE is it anyway?

1 year ago

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Another day, another Biden administration scandal. This time it prompted some people to question whether or not Hunter Biden was involved.
It's no conspiracy that the smartest guy Joe Biden knows has had his share of "issues" with drugs in the past (among other things) and cocaine was recently found in one of the rooms of the White House, prompting evacuation.
The maddening lack of response from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and others has the internet buzzing and the American public once again scratching their collective heads in disbelief over the lack of information surrounding the incident.
The most secure and transparent presidency in history can't find a recording and are referring journalists to the Secret Service for further details.
While the Biden Administration continues online censorship efforts to curtail the spread of misinformation leading up to the 2024 election one would think this wouldn't be handled so casually. But it is.
However, according to at least one source, the USSS will be briefing the public on Thursday, July 13th at 10am and maybe then we'll get some answers.
Until the next major catastrophe, that is.
#jamesanthonyreport #bidenadministration #hunter
Truth Social:
White House Cocaine Suspect:

Episode 4 (Partial) Transcript:
So, whose line is it anyway? Leave a comment down below and let us know what you think.

This convoluted embarrassing mess of a so called "historic administration" is nothing short of a 4th of July dumpster fire behind the school parking lot. The one where Hunter allegedly fathered an illegitimate child with a prostitute (sorry, stripper), possibly dropped the gun in question, and took off to the nearest computer repair shop because he recorded the whole entire thing.

All the while his father, 'Old Smeller', denied any wrongdoing in an international scheme to peddle influence via the smartest guy he knows while receiving 10% to reach 81 million legitimate votes and becoming the first president in U.S. history to do so while campaigning from a basement.

Hello? This thing on? I can get you an earpiece if you need one...

Faster than the Secret Service could erect a razor blade border wall around the White House, a hapless American populace watched the fake news report a real story of said International Man of Mystery being called into question over a white substance found on the set. Sound familiar?

We have spy balloons capturing our every move, a White House on lockdown, drones on top and cameras on every street corner, and the most transparent administration in history still can't determine who the substance belongs to or where the substance came from.

To be honest, not that I'm not (the James Anthony Report is your trusted source for fake news), I don't think anyone would really care about this sort of thing. Everyone's family has been impacted by drugs at some point... open borders and all. And a lot of people are guilty of a terrible withdrawal. But Hunter is probably the worst. Talk about evidence...

There's no real groundbreaking information here in this report. We've known about these things long before 'Sleepy Creepy' decided to throw his helmet in the coliseum. However, what really rubs us the wrong way is the snide, arrogant, and defiant way in which the king who should be wearing clothes decides to address the
issue. Namely, that he doesn't. So, we're left with the circus but no bread.

And it's anyone's guess as to who the woke-a-cola belongs to.

Now, it's your turn.

This is James Anthony Reporting

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