Hollywood Star Admits Elites Traffic Children For Adrenochrome: ‘Worst Horror I Have Seen’

1 year ago

Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel, who played the role of Jesus in Mel Gibson’s epic Passion of the Christ, has admitted that children are being kidnapped and trafficked by Hollywood elites.

The entertainment industry elite are “raping and murdering” children for adrenochrome, according to Caviezel who addressed the issue of child trafficking in Hollywood during an appearance at the Clay Clark’s Health and Freedom Conference near Tulsa, Oklahoma while promoting his new film.

According to Caviezel, who is currently promoting his new movie Sound of Freedom, Hollywood elites are addicted to adrenochrome and “gut kids alive” to get their fix of the drug which is released as a chemical in the body of terrified children.

Sound of Freedom tells the story of Tim Ballard, a former CIA operative, who quits his job as a Special Agent with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Early reports indicate the film exposes VIP pedophilia and child trafficking.

Caviezel also revealed that Tim Ballard, the author who he portrays in the film, is “down there saving children as we speak, because they’re pulling kids out of the darkest recesses of hell right now, in dumps and all kinds of places. The adrenochroming of children, look…”

Caviezal is a Hollywood veteran, with leading roles in blockbuster films including Pay It Forward, The Thin Red Line, the Count of Monte Cristo, and Frequency. The man clearly knows his way around Hollywood, which is why it is so impressive that he is coming forward and risking his career – and even his life – to expose the evil at the top of the industry.

It’s not the first time Caviezel has exposed the horror of child trafficking by Hollywood elite, describing it as “the worst horror I have ever seen.”

“Essentially, you have adrenaline in your body and when you are scared you produce adrenaline. If you are an athlete in the fourth quarter, you have adrenaline that comes out of you. If a child knows he is going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline and they have a lot of terms they use, but umm… It’s the worst horror I’ve ever seen. It’s screaming alone, even if I never saw it. These people that do it, there will be no mercy for them.”

Jim Caviezal not the only one who is coming forward and exposing the elites. Mel Gibson, who directed Caviezal in The Passion of the Christ, has also gone on record denouncing Hollywood as a “den of parasites” who “feast on the blood of kids.” - thepeoplesvoice.

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